solanum nigrum

Materia Medica

Used with success in ergotism, with tetanic spasms and stiffness of whole body, with mania. Marked action on head and eyes. Meningitis. Chronic intestinal toxaemia. Brain irritation during dentition. Restlessness of a violent and convulsive nature. Formication with contraction of extremities.

Head: Furious delirium. Vertigo; terrible headache and complete cessation of the mental faculties. Night terrors. Congestive headache.

Nose: Acute coryza; profuse, watery discharge from right nostril; left stopped up, with chilly sensation, alternating with heat.

Eyes: Pain over both eyes. Alternate dilatation and contraction of pupils; weak sight; floating spots.

Respiratory: Constructive feeling in chest, with difficult breathing; cough with tickling in throat. Expectoration thick, yellow. Pain in left chest, sore to touch.

Fever: Alternation of coldness and heat. Scarlet fever; eruption in spots, large and vivid.


Bellad; Solanum Carolinense-Horse-nettle--(conclusions and epilepsy, twenty to forty-drop doses; is of great value in grand mal of idiopathic type, where the disease has begun beyond age of childhood; hystero-epilepsy, also in whooping-cough


Solan mammosum-Apple of Sodom--(pain in left hip-joint


Solan oleraceum (swelling of mammary gland, with profuse secretion of milk


Solan tuberosum (cramps in calves and contraction of fingers; spitting through closed teeth


Solan vesicarium (recommended in facial paralysis


Solaninum aceticum (threatening paralysis of the lungs in the course of bronchitis in the aged and children must cough a long time before able to raise expectoration


Solan pseudocaps (acute pains, in lower abdomen


Solan tuberos aegrotans-Diseased potato--(prolapse of the rectum, patulous anus; offensive breath and odor of body; tumors of rectum look like decayed potato; dreams of pools of blood


Solanum tuberosum-Potato berries--(cramps in the calves of the legs and fingers