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Materia Medica

Soreness of muscles and integuments; worse motion and friction of clothes, with sensitiveness to cold. Glands swollen. General paresis. Basedow's disease. Lues, bubo, roseola.

Head: Sensation of enlargement and fullness. Pain in forehead and temple, extending to eyeballs, worse in afternoon. Blueness under eyes. Dandruff; scalp sore, dry, tetter-like. Dull, dizzy feeling in head. Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing and suffocative cough. Influenza. Slight sounds are greatly accentuated.

Eyes: Twitching of left upper lid; eyeballs tender; aching in eyeballs. Intermittent sore pain in eyeball, coming on at 3 pm.

Respiratory: Cough; worse in afternoon, better in warm room. The mucus flies out of mouth and nostrils. Whooping-cough, with thick yellow expectoration; flies out. Hay-fever, with asthmatic breathing. Pleuritic stitches in chest, neck, and back.

Stomach: Mouth hot. Much thirst. Lancinating pain in pit of stomach extending to vertebra and scapula.

Female: Metrorrhagia; worse at night, with feeling of enlargement of head (Arg). Cancer of breast (Asterias; Con; Carbo an; Plumb iod).

Heart: Indescribable bad feeling about the heart with soreness and pain, flying stitches all over.

Skin: Sore to touch. Freckles. Rhagades.

Back: Stitches in nape, scapulae. Pain in small of back, hips and lower limbs. Very stiff neck. Muscles and skin sore, as if beaten.

Modalities: Worse by cold. Better, by heat.


Merc similar but opposite modalities. Spongia; Kali hyd; Phytol; Conium


Sulph; Merc; Iod