Convolvulus Duartinus.

Ipomoea bona-nox. Morning Glory. N. O. Convolvulaceae. Tincture of Flowers.

Clinical.-Eye, inflammation of. Headache. Rheumatism. Vertigo.

Characteristics.-Convol. d. was proved under Mure, and some symptoms that are peculiar have been recorded: Reveries in daytime. Numbness in limbs. Dreams of dead persons. Symptoms are < in morning and > after cold bath.


1. Mind.-Moral weakness.-Reveries in the daytime.

2. Head.-Vertigo with faintness.-Burning in frontal region, ceasing after a cold bath.-Pain in frontal region with heat at root of nose.-Pain in l. temple (corresponding to inflamed l. eye).

3. Eyes.-Inflammation of l. eye.

8. Mouth.-Toothache.-Swelling of gums.-Tongue feels swollen.

9. Throat.-Heat and dryness at anterior and upper part of oesophagus.

12. Abdomen.-Pain in abdomen with internal heat.-Violent colic with drawings.

13. Stool.-Constipation.

14. Urinary Organs.-Red urine.-Yellow sediment in urine.

22. Upper Limbs.-Numbness of arms,< when hanging down.-Pains in l. shoulder; in l. wrist.-Numbness of r. index and middle fingers.

23. Lower Limbs.-Lancinating pain in r. knee.-Pain fore part of l. leg for four days.-Deep-seated pain in calves.

26. Sleep.-Drowsiness in daytime.-Dreams: about quarrelling; about dead persons; falling out of his front teeth; of flying along a lighted street; appearance of a ghost; wakes with a start.