aurum metallicum

Sanguine, ruddy people, with black hair and eyes; lively, restless, anxious about the future. Old people; weak vision; corpulent; tired of life. For constitutions broken down by bad effects of mercury and syphillis. Pinning boys; low-spirited, lifeless, weak memories, lacking in "boyish go;" testes undeveloped, mere pendent shreds. Constantly dwelling on suicide (Naja - but is afraid to die, Nux). Profound melancholy: feels hateful and quarrelsome; desire to commit suicide; life is a constant burden; after abuse of mercury; with nearly all complaints. Uneasy, hurried, great desire for mental and physical activity; cannot do things fast enough (Arg. n.). Ailments from fright, anger, contradictions, mortification, vexation, dread, or reserved displeasure (Staph.). Oversensitive: least contradiction excites wrath (Con.); to pain; to smell, taste, hearing, touch (Anac.). Headache of people with dark olive-brown complexion; sad, gloomy, taciturn; disposed to constipation; from least mental exertion. Falling of the hair, especially in syphillis and mercurial affections. Hemiopia; sees only the lower half (sees only the left half, Lith. c., Lyc.). Syphilitic and mercurial affections of the bones. Caries: of the nasal palatine and mastoid bones; ozaena, otorrhoea, excessively fetid discharge, pains worse at night; drive to despair; of mercurial or syphilitic origin (Asaf.). Prolapsed and indurated uterus; from over-reaching or straining (Pod., Rhus); from hypertrophy (Con.). Menstrual and uterine affections, with great melancholy; < at menstrual period. Foul breath; in girls at puberty. Sensation as if the heart stood still; as though it ceased to beat and then suddenly gave on hard thump (Sep.). Violent palpitation; anxiety, with congestion of blood to head and chest after exertion; pulse small, feeble, rapid, irregular; visible, beating of carotid and temporal arteries (Bell., Glon.). Fatty degeneration of heart (Phos.).

< In cold air; when getting cold; while lying down; mental exertion; many complaints come on only in winter.

> In warm air, when growing warm, in the morning and during summer.