This rosin which comes to us from the province of St. Paul, is used empirically for hernia.

First day. -1. Stupefying pain in the head, worse when stooping. Vertigo as if one would fall to the right. Earache when the least dampness sets in, extending to the articulation of the jaw. Numbness at the tarsal joint, after sitting. 5. Pain in the abdomen, from within outwards. Sense of chilliness at the hypogastrium, especially in the evening.

Second day. Light sleep at night, but continual. Continual hiccough. Aching pain in the forehead and eyes. 10. Beating in the right temple. The pain extends to the ear and the articulation of the jaw. Pain on the left side like wry-neck. Lancination in the forehead, right side. Nausea worse during motion. 15. Pain in the left hypochondrium, when inclining forwards.

Third day. Violent itching near the sternal extremity of the right clavicle, followed by a moist tetter, which scatters in six hours.

Fourth day. Violent itching at the right arm; it is covered with red pimples, rounded like pins' head. The itching ceases in the day-time, but the eruption lasts all day. Pimples on the left side of the neck; they itch as much, though less inflamed. 20. Numbness of the legs. On rising from a chair one is unable to stand straight.

Fifth day. Stiffness of the nape of the neck, which prevents one from raising or inclining the head. Pain at the nape of the neck, penetrating to the forehead and causing a numbness and heaviness which carries the head forward. The pimples on the arm and neck scatter gradually.

Sixth day. Cramps at the left tarsal joint. 25. Involuntary stools.

Seventh day. Sudden report in the ear, with frightful pain extending to the teeth, for several minutes; this paroxysm recurs four times in the morning, from hour to hour. Numbness in the tarsal joint every time one rises from a seat. Profuse painless diarrhoea. Copious, yellow, diarrhoeic stools.

Eighth day. -30. Reports in the ears, as often as eight times a day. Profuse sweat after the reports. Air aggravates the pain. Lancinating pain in the region of the liver, worse when walking or stooping. Heaviness of the head, it inclines forwards. 35. Heaviness at the eyes when walking. Burning pain at the anus after sitting. Twinkling of the eyes. Burning in the eyelids. Muscae volitantes like pins'-heads. 40. Pain from the ear to the teeth, less but longer than previously. Lancinating pain in the orbit of the left eye, extending to the eyebrow. Toothache worse when taking a cold drink.

Ninth day. Burning at the vulva followed by violent itching. Crampy pain at the tendo-Achillis. 45. Bright-yellow stool, which cannot be retained as soon as one stands up. Repeated sneezing. Coryza. Crampy pain from the calf to the heel. Heaviness in the legs and weariness to. -wards evening.

Twelfth day. -50. Acute pain in the knee joint. The tongue feels big, as if it filled the whole mouth, though the swelling is but trifling. Red tongue. Difficulty of moving the tongue and talking. Inflammation of the tonsils. 55. Pain in the throat and sensation as of a lump in the pharynx. Pain in the left breast worse when walking. Itching at the left breast and nipple, especially in the morning. Pain at the posterior iliac spine when stretching the leg or rising, several days in succession.


HEAD, &c.: 1. Vertigo as if one would fall to the right. Stupefying pain in the head. Aching pain in forehead and eyes. Beating in the right temple. 5. Twinkling of the eyes. Burning in the eyelids. Muscae volitantes. Lancing pain in left orbit. Earache in damp weather. 10. Sudden report in the ear, with pain extending to the teeth. Coryza. Toothache worse after a cold drink.

GASTRIC, &c.: Hiccough. Nausea. 15. The tongue feels big as if filling the mouth. Difficulty of moving the tongue. Red tongue. Inflamed tonsils. Sore throat with sensation of a lump. 20. Lancing pain in the region of the liver worse when stooping. Involuntary stools. Diarrhoea, yellow. Burning pain at the anus after sitting. Burning at the vulva.

CHEST, &c.: 25. Itching at the left breast and nipple. Pain in left breast. Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Pain like wry neck. Pain from nape of neck to forehead, causing a numbness and heaviness. 30. Pain at the posterior iliac spine when stretching the leg. Heaviness in the legs. Acute pain in the knee joint. Cramps at left tarsal joint. Numbness of the legs and tarsal joints. 35. Numbness at the tarsal joint. Crampy pain at tendo-Achillis. Moist tetter with itching at right clavicle. Itching red pimples on the right arm. Pimples on left side of neck. 40. Sense of chilliness in hypogastrium.