Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia HomöopathieChronic ailments of women; arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriages, especially at third month. Music is intolerable: produces nervousness, goes through bone and marrow (causes weeping Thuja). Drawing pains in small of back, from sacrum to pubes, in nearly all diseases (from back, going round the body to pubes, Vib. op.). Ailments: following abortion or premature labor; haemorrhage from uterus; flow partly pale red, partly clotted; worse from least motion (Sec.); often relieved by walking; pain extending from sacrum to pubes. Menses: too early, too profuse, too protracted; partly fluid, partly clotted (Fer.); in persons who menstruated very early in life; flow in paroxysym; with colic and labor-like pains; pains from sacrum to pubes. Discharge of blood between periods, with sexual excitement (Amb.). Retained placenta from atony of uterus; intense after-pains (Caul., Sec.). Menorrhagia: during climacteric, in women who formerly aborted; with early first menses. Inflammation of ovaries or uterus after abortion or premature labor. Promotes expulsion of moles or foreign bodies from uterus (Canth.). Fig warts with intolerable itching and burning; exuberant granulations (Thuja, Nit. ac.).
< From least motion (Sec.); warm air or room (Apis, Puls.).
> In cool, open, fresh air.
Juniperus sabina ist verfügbar bei Remedia Homöopathie
Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia HomöopathieAndere Namen für dieses homöopathische Arzneimittel: Juniperus sabina, Sabina, Sabina cacumina, Sabina officinalis, Sadebaum, Sevenbaum, Seviebaum, Stinkwacholder,