Nitricum acidum


Mind.-- Anxious about his illness, with fear of death worse ascending. Sadness and despondency. Excessive excitability (after abuse of Mercury). Angry wilfulness. Long continued animosity toward those who have offended him. Attacks of rage, with imprecation and swearing.

Head.-- Headache pressing inwards, with tension extending into eyes nausea and vomiting. Congestion to, with much heat therein. Throbbing ache. Stitches in, compel lying down. Attacks of gouty headache, excessively sensitive to the rattle of vehicles. Bone pain in skull. Dark brown or black, stiff, fibrous hair. Worse: Evening, noise. Better: Riding is a carriage, lying.

External Head.-- Moist, sticking, itching eruption from vertex down over temples into bead, bleeding easily when scratched, from which as well as on the side wherein he lies a smarting pain results. Exostoses Cephalic bone pains as though' skull were constricted by a band, readily passing into inflammation and necrosis. Painfully sensitiveness to touch and pressure even of hat, with anxiety. Falling of hair, with a moist eruption which sticks like painfully penetrating splinters when touched, also from genitals, especially after a nervous headache or abuse of mercury. Worse: Evening, and night, external pressure, lying thereon. Better: Cool air, during a carriage ride.

Eyes.-- Pressure and sticking in. Inflamed (after suppressed syphilis or abuse of Mercury). Spots on cornea. Lachrymal fistula. Myopia. Black spots before.

Ears.-- Sticking in. suppurating. Difficult hearing (after abuse of Mercury Pounding and roaring in.

Nose.-- Tip red and scurfy. Sticking, a of a splinter in. Scurfs in. Nosebleed of dark, clotted blood early in morning Offensive smell from. Stuffed coryza, with obstructed nostrils. Fluent coryza after taking cold. the nasal mucus flows only thro' the nasal mucus flows only thro' the choanae. Sneezing.

Face.-- Yellow. Sunken eyes encircled by yellow. Dark yellow, almost brownish complexion. Eruption, on forehead and temples, pimply on. Swollen lips. Ulcers on red part of lips. Painfully swelled submaxillary glands.

Teeth.-- Loose and turn yellow. White gums.

Mouth.-- Foul, cadaverous smell from (Syphilitic and mercurial) ulcers in, and on fauces. Inflammation of throat with burning and painful soreness. Painful excoriation of palate, tongue and inner gums. Sticking in pharynx, Salivation. Salivary fistula. hoarseness.

Taste: Bitter, in mouth, Sour, with burning in throat.

Stomach.-- Pain in cardiac orifice when swelling solid food. Stitches in pit.

Hypochondria: Pressure and sticking in splenic region.

Appetite: Desire for earth, chalk, lime, etc. Milk disagrees throat.

Abdomen.-- Pinching, cutting and sticking in. Ulcerative pain in. Colic from talking cold. Inguinal glands.

Flatulence: Obstructed f., early in morning and in evening. Accumulation of flatus in abdomen.

Stool.-- Diarrhoeic, often of mucus or foul smelling s Dysenteric, bloody, with tenesmus. Constipation and dry stool. Nervousness and relaxation after.

Anus.-- Itching and burning of. Swollen hemorrhoids, which bleed with every stool. Stitches in rectum.

Urine.-- Discharge of scanty, dark stinking u. Feels cold when passed. Incontinence.

Sexual Organs.-- Figwarts and sycotic gonorrhoea Chancre - like ulcers on foreskin and glans. Inflamed and swelled testes, from whence pain ascends through spermatic cord. Want of or intensified sexual desire, with painful erections at night.

Female.-- Menses: Too early, Suppressed. Cramps in abdomen with urging toward sexual organs during.

Respiration.-- Panting, Tightness of chest and want of breath when walking or ascending step. Wheezing.

Cough.-- Shattering, spasmodic c., excited by tickling in larynx and epigastrium. Short, with expectoration of black, coagulated blood. Dry, barking, after lying down in evening. Stitches in small of back when coughing. Purulent expectoration from lungs. In morning and daytime, with expectoration of dark blood mixed with coagula, or of a yellow acrid pus of a bitter, sourish or salt taste and offensive odor.

Trachea, etc. - Scratching and sticking in, with hoarseness, especially after long talking. Tracheal phthisis.

Chest.-- Congestion to, with heat and anxious palpitation Stitches thro', and in sides thereof. Excoriative pain in, when coughing and breathing. Dwindling of female mammae.

Back.-- Stitches within and between scapulae with stiff nape. Pains in and in lumbar region after taking cold.

Upper Extremities.-- Drawing and tearing in, especially in forearms and hands. Frostbites on hands and fingers. Herpes between fingers. White spots on nails.

Lower Extremities.-- Drawing and tearing in legs. Coldness of entire limb. Restlessness in legs in evening. Weakness in knees. Shootings in knee. Cramp in calves when walking stitching foot sweat frostbites on toes.

Generalities.-- Sticking pains like a splinter driven into part. Extraordinary emaciation. Tense fiber. Great weakness and trembling, especially early in morning. Easily takes cold. Complaints causes by change of weather. Tearing in limbs after taking cold. Cracking joints. Hysterical complaints. Chlorosis and jaundice. Sycosis, worse by mercury. The symptoms are intensified in evening and at night. Pain are felt during sleep. Driving better most complaints. (Seldom applicable to blondes.

Tissues.-- Inflamed swelled and suppurating glands

Swelling: of cervical, axillary and inguinal glands.

Bones.-- Inflamed and painful. Caries Soft ending and curvature

Skin.-- Black pores. From slight cold limbs are frostbitten, inflamed and itch. Painful frostbites. Brownish - red spots and dark freckles on. Large boils. Wounds and ulcers which stick like splinters, when touched. Mercurial ulcers.

Sleep.-- Vertiginous day sleepiness. Late falling to. Restlessness at night and frequent awaking.

Fever.-- Pulse: Uncommonly irregular, two small, quick beats often follow a normal one and the fourth is omitted. Alternation of hard, with quick and small beats. Chill: Mostly in afternoon and evening, as well as after lying down. With concomitant internal heat. Early in morning in bed, after previous heat Constant chilliness. General, external coldness. Heat: Especially on face and hands. Overrunning heat, with sweaty hands. Nightly, internal, dry heat, with inclination to uncover and much thirst. And sweat with great debility after eating. Sweat: Every or every other night, most profuse on side lain on. Sour, offensive or smelling like horse urine.

Allied Remedies. Agr., (ANT - T), Argen Arg-n., Asaf., Bell. Box Con., Fulu - r-ac. Graph., HEP., Kali - b KALI-C., Cann., Carb-v. (CAUST.), Con., Flur-ac., Graph. HEP, Kali - b,. KALI-C., Lyc., MERC., MERC - C Mez., Nat-m.) Mez. Nat-m. PETR., Puls, Rhus-t. SEP., Sul. Thuja.

Complementary. Calc-c., Thuj.