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Mind.-- Madness like hydrophobia, renewed by looking at glistening things (water), and by touching larynx. Foolish gestures. Attacks of rage. Restless anxiety with timorousness. Pusillanimous and fainthearted. Angriness. Madness with shrieking, barking and striking about. lamenting, whining and anxious restlessness. Amorous insanity with lewd, shameless behavior.

Head.-- Painful soreness and burning in brain. Tearing ache. Meningitis, with a sense of burning, rawness and smarting in head. Inward striking most violent in forehead and occiput. Headache, as if it arose from the nape and would pass out at forehead, with vertigo. Worse: Morning and afternoon, talking, motion, standing and sitting, Better: Walking, lying quietly.

Eyes.-- Painful soreness and burning in. Involuntary spasmodic motion of. All objects appear yellow, with yellowness in eyes.

Nose.-- Redness, burning and swelling of.

Face.-- Glowing redness and swelling of. Yellow. Trismus.

Teeth.-- Suppurating gums. Dental fistula.

Mouth.-- Inflammation in buccal cavity and throat. Burning in throat worse drinking water. Foamy saliva streaked with blood flows from. Painless inability to swallow, especially liquids. Sore throat when swallowing from inflammation and suppuration of tonsils. Feeble voice from weakness of vocal organs.

Appetite: Repugnance and aversion to all food. Thirst with aversion to all fluids.

Eructations: Hiccoughy, which recede toward stomach. Heartburn worse drinking pains. Agony and restlessness in, with sensitiveness of pit.

Hypochondria: Inflamed kidneys with intense burning pains. Stitches and tearing in region of kidneys. Inflammation of liver. Pain in, from obstructed flatulence.

Abdomen.-- Inflamed, with burning pain and sensitiveness to touch. Burning here and there, especially in upper, with yellow spots upon painful parts.

Stool.-- Dysenteric, mucus, like scrapings of intestines. Diarrhoea: Bloody, foamy followed by cutting in abdomen.

Urine.-- Retained with spasmodic pains in bladder. Suppressed secretion of, with ineffectual urging. He urinates blood drop by drop. Discharge of bloody mucus from bladder. Inflammation of bladder and urethra.

Sexual Organs.-- Inflamed, tending to gangrene. Painful gonorrhoea. Suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge. Intense sexual desire with incessant painful erections. Inflamed ovaries.

Female.-- Menses: Of black blood, too early and too profuse.

Respiration.-- Great sense of weakness in respiratory apparatus. Tightness of breathing from constriction of larynx.

Larynx.-- Burning and sticking in trachea when hawking tenacious mucus loose. Hoarseness. Weak, indistinct voice.

Chest.-- Burning and sticking in. Inflammation of.

Back.-- Tearing in. Spasm, with alternate emprosthotonos and opisthotonos.

Upper Extremities.-- Tearing arms.

Lower Extremities.-- Tearing in legs. Gout in hip joints, with spasmodic bladder and urinary symptoms.

Generalities.-- Intense, painful soreness combined with burning in all parts of, especially the cavities, of the body. Urinary symptoms with tearing in limbs, better rubbing. Sense of dryness in joints. Most intense debility, bordering on paralysis. Over - sensitiveness of all parts. Jaundice. Dropsy. Most complaints occur on right side. Symptoms are better when lying down. Attacks recur every seven days. Coffee and oil worse the symptoms. Raw, burning soreness.

Skin.-- Scabious, itching vesicles which burn when touched. Erysipelatous inflammations.

Sleep.-- Great sleepiness in afternoon. Nightly sleeplessness.

Fever.-- Pulse: Very variable, mostly hard, full and accelerated, sometimes, also intermittent, more seldom weak, slow and almost imperceptible. Pulsation throughout the trembling limbs. Chill: With general coldness, attacks mostly in evening, not relieved by external warmth. Fever often consisting of chill only, with subsequent thirst, without heat. Running up the back. Heat: Burning, with anxiety and thirst. At night merely external, not sensible to patient. Sweat: From every movement. Cold especially on hands and feet. On genitals, of a urinous odor.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: ACO., AP., Bell., Calad., Cam., Cann, Laur., LYC., PULS.