Bryonia alba


Mind.-- Effects of vexation, leaving irritability, with chill and coldness of body behind. Nightly delirium about the events of the day. Thoughtless. Forgetful. Unusual peevish irritability and wrathful violence. Restlessness, with fear to the future and the near approach of death. Despondent, and doubtful of salivation. Despair of recovery. Pusillanimity. Tearful disposition.

Vertigo.-- When raising up, or stooping. With a swaying feeling in brain, and heat. As if drunk.

Head.-- Compressive ache, with fullness and heaviness in forehead, as if everything would be forced out, nose - blood and a puffy red face. Congestion, to. Bursting pressure in forehead, and pressure upon eyeballs. Bursting pain with heat in. Stitches in. Bursting pain with heat in. Stitches in. Burning in bregma. Twitching throbbing in, which can be heard and felt here and there, with obscured vision. Twitching tearing in one side (worse r.), extending into cheeks and maxillary bones. Brain feels loose. Outward sticking in forehead. Tensive tearing in external head. Worse: Motion: Of head, of eyes, in open air, on opening eyes. Stooping. Stepping hard. From warmth and becoming heated. Touch. After eating. In evening Better: External pressure, lying quietly on painful part, bandaging up head, lying on back, closing eyes.

External Head.-- Sore pain in occiput and behind ears, worse in dry weather. Better after sweat. Profuse, sour, oily sweat on, and over whole body, especially during sleep towards morning, worse as the accompanying pains are worse, from eating, and slightest motion, particularly in the cold air.

Eyes.-- Burning in. Inflammation of, worse by warmth. Tearing sticking in. Pressure as from sand in. Feel as if pressing out of head Swelling, especially of upper lids. Weakness and lachrymation in murky air and twilight. Photophobia.

Ears.-- Roaring in. Intolerance of noise.

Nose.-- Painful swelling of, with inflamed nostrils. Frequent nose - bleed (also after suppressed menses). Chronic stuffed coryza with a dry nose.

Face.-- Yellowish pale. Hot, bloated, very red. Nodes and indurations like boils. Dry, swollen, fissured, bleeding lips. Eruption, especially on lower lip. Trismus.

Teeth.-- Jerking toothache worse by warmth, better by lying on painful side.

Mouth.-- Dry mouth, throat and tongue. Sticking in throat on swallowing. Scratching in throat. Coating on middle of tongue.

Taste: Flat, slimy. Bitter, in mouth, food is tasteless.

Stomach.-- Pressure in, after eating, especially after bread. Burning in. Stitches in pit, with obstructed breathing during motion, especially when making a misstep. Pit, sensitive to touch and pressure.

Hypochondria: Stitches in hepatic region when touched, coughing and breathing. Inflammation of liver and diaphragm.

Appetite: Abnormal hunger, he must eat little and often. Strong craving for coffee, or things he cannot relish. Aversion to, and loathing of food. Intense thirst. He does not drink often, but a great deal each time. Thirst for cold water.

Eructations: Frequent, bitter or empty, after eating. Regurgitation of food, without retching. Water collects in mouth.

Vomiting: Of solid food, but not liquids. After eating bread. Bitter, while drinking after a meal. Bloody. First of bile, then of food. Of bitter water.

Abdomen.-- Distended, after every meal (disappearing without discharge of flatus). Hysterical cramps in. Inflammation of. Bellyache, after taking cold, from motion. Better by tight bandaging. Ascites. Stitches in.

Flatulence. Loud growling and rumbling in abdomen.

Stool.-- Very dry, hard. Chronic constipation. Diarrhoea, Fetid, preceded by cutting in abdomen, and bellyache, alternating with constipation and stomach - ache, in morning hours only.

Urine.-- Diminished discharge of hot, red. White, turbid. Urging to urinate and scanty discharge. Irresistible urging to urinate, with want of breath during heavy lifting. Burning in urethra.

Female.-- Menses of red blood, too early and too profuse. Suppressed. Uterine hemorrhage.

Respiration.-- Panting, short. Impeded, during violent motion. Anxious, rapid. Deep, slow during exertion. Laborious, with aid of abdominal muscles, and intermingled with deep inspiration. Frequent, sighing inspirations. Continual inclination to take a deep breath. Attacks of dyspnoea and suffocation.

Cough.-- Spasmodic, as from sulphur fumes or a tickling in throat and epigastrium. Dry in evening and at night, during day expectoration is yellow or mixed with coagulated brownish bloody, often cold, mucus, of a repulsive flat taste, and hard to loosen at first. Dry, spasmodic, after eating and drinking, with vomiting of food. Haemoptysis, of coagulated or brownish blood. Bursting headache and sticks in sides of chest during.

Larynx and trachea.-- Soreness in. Hoarseness.

Chest.-- Soreness and bursting pain in. Stitches in, when breathing, coughing and during motion, better lying on back. Violent stitches in left side of. Inflammation of lungs, with stitches. Pressure, as of a load on. Soreness of ribs, as if beaten. Palpitation with shortness of breath. (Painless) nodes and induration in mammae. Mammae of lying - in women are excessively full of milk and congested.

Back.-- Stitches in lumbar region, back and scapulae. Painful stiffness in small of back, compelling him to bend forward when walking and sitting.

Neck: Eruption on. Tension and stiffness in nape and neck.

Upper Extremities.-- Tensive and sticking tearing in shoulder - joint and hands, especially on dorsal surface. Sprained pain in wrist during motion. Twitching of fingers when moving hands.

Lower Extremities.-- Cracking and dislocation of hip - joints when walking. Hot, tensive swelling of thighs and lower legs or feet, frequently on back of the latter only. Tensive stiffness in legs. Dislocative pain in ankle - joint when walking and stepping. Offensive ulcers on feet. Podagra, with sticking pains.

Generalities.-- Tensive or sticking rheumatic or gouty pains in limbs better by motion and touch. Stitches in joints Stiffness in joints. Paralysis of limbs (Pale or red) swelling and immobility of affected parts. Oversensitive to external impressions. The complaints are intensified in the evening (towards 9 o'clock) and by motion (also during rest, in its rare alternating action.)

Tissues.-- Glands indurated.

Bones.-- Pain as though' flesh were beaten from.

Skin.-- Burning, itching, eruptions. Nettlerash (especially in children and during child - bed). Petechiae. Hard nodes on many parts. Erysipelatous inflammations, especially about joints, Foul ulcers, with feeling of coldness therein.

Sleep.-- Yawning and sleepiness during day. Somnolency with half - closed eyes. Sleepless before midnight on account of thirst, heat and ebullition of blood. Nightly delirium as soon as he awakes. Somnambulism.

Fever.-- Pulse: Very full, hard, rapid and tense, sometimes intermittent, with strong ebullition of blood Chill: And chilliness predominate, often with heat of head, red cheeks, thirst and many pains in limbs. With external coldness of body. And coldness, mostly evening, and often only right sided. More in a room than in the open air. Heat: Dry, burning, mostly internal, as if blood burned in veins. Symptoms are greatly intensified during Internal, with thirst for cold drinks. Sweat: Profuse and easy, even when walking slowly in cold, open air. Profuse at night and in early morning. Sour or oily. Cough in all stages. Febrile movements with bitter taste and thirst.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: ACO., ALUM., Ang., Ars, Bell., Bor., Calc-c., Carb-v. Caust., Chin., Clem., Coloc., Dulc., Guai., Iod., Ip., Kali-c., Led., Lyc., Mez., MILLEF., (MUR-AC.). Phos. Phyt., PULS., Ran-b., RHOD., RHUS-T., Scill., Seneg., Sep., Verat-a.