Populus Tremuloides.

Aspen Poplar. (The American Aspen; the British Aspen is P. tremula.) N. O. Salicaceae. Tincture of inner bark. Solution of Populin.

Clinical.-Ardor urinae. Bladder, catarrh of. Gleet, chronic. Prostatic affections.

Characteristics.-The few symptoms of the Schema were provided by Paine (eclectic), whom Hale quotes. Paine used Pop. t. in affections of the bladder, urethra, and prostate. Hale confirms its action in vesical tenesmus and inflammation of the neck of the bladder. He gives this case: A lady had metritis, vaginismus, and cystitis, and was apparently cured. A ride on the cars brought back: Weight, pressure, and aching in pelvis and vesical tenesmus with frequent desire to urinate. Pop. p. 3x removed all these symptoms in three days. In the cases cured by Hale he says there was little pain during urination, but as soon as the last drops were voided, or a little before, a severe cramp-like pain just behind pubes lasting ten to fifteen minutes.

Relations.-Follows well: Cannab., Canth. (succeeded after they had only partially helped). Compare: Pop. can., Sal. nig., Gaulth., Salicin, and Salicylates.


1. Mind.-General nervous excitement.

11. Stomach.-Nausea and vomiting.-Warm pungent sensation; (or from larger doses) fierce burning sensation in stomach.

13. Stool.-Slight purging of bilious matter.

14. Urinary Organs.-Very copious discharge of urine; irritation of bladder and urethra.

27. Fever.-Warmth in stomach followed by glow of heat on entire surface.