

Mind.-- Anxious, full of fear, very depressed, despairing, always thinking of dying. Irritable, easily angered. Every moral impression causes trembling. Persistence of one idea. Memory lost.

Head.-- Lifting. Aching, spasmodically contractive a. Pain: In center, with weakness of, like a hammer beating, as of a piece of wood lying across occiput, pushing out, as if brain had not space enough, one - sided pressure. Pulsation. Boring or cramp in temples. Drawing in frontal sinuses. Pinching and heaviness in forehead, temples feel pressed in, alternating with pain in teeth. Burning. stitches extending to nose or eyes. Dull pressing in vertex. As of a cord tied about. Hair feels pulled. Worse: Mental labor. Better:Wrapping up: nose bleed, sweat, washing face.

Eyes.-- Glassy. Gummy. Agglutinated. Deep broad, blue rings about. Feel swelled, like a foreign body in, tired, burning. Vision, Of fiery sparks, tremulous, suddenly blurred. Pimples like styes on upper lid. Worse: Looking intently.

Ears.-- Ears discharging fetid pus. with headache. Reddish earwax. Feeling as if: Stuffed, something bursting in, when swallowing, breath came from, hearing with another's ears, Pain, ulcerative, stitching, preceded by coldness, better boring in with finger. Burning heat in. extending to vertex. roaring in, with stupefaction. Worse: Evening.

Nose.-- Tough mucus in nose, Sense of a plug high up in, causing nausea, better stooping. Boring in, then sneezing. Pustules on septum. Clear fluid escapes on stooping. Sensitive to inhaled air. Drawing in, then fluent coryza. Burning in, better by a fluent discharge. Scratching crawling at root. Itching on tip.

Face.-- Greasy. Pale, sickly look. Zygoma painful to touch.

Mouth.-- Lips: Swelling of upper. Brown, black and dry. Painful and itching. Burn. Feel swelled. Vesicles around corners of, with humid sore spots. Tough mucus in and in throat, it in glues the teeth together, tastes like old cheese, is offensive and adheres to palate causing hawking. Scratching in back part and asthmatic feeling on leaning backward. Swelled feeling in fauces.

Taste: Foul, bitter or coppery, sticky. Of food is oily, or like cat's urine. Nauseous. Better: Eating.

Teeth.-- Gnashing of, at night, feel on edge when smoking, loose, stitches in, hammering in, feel pulled. Toothache, alternating with headache. Worse: touch. Better: Fresh air.

Gums.-- Inflamed, with crawling pain, and tongue ulcerated, with sore throat.

Tongue.-- Dry, painful. tip feels burnt.

Throat.-- Pink spots with cheesy tips, which turn black. Sore, everything burns it, with difficult swallowing, can take cold food only. Tough, adherent mucus in, causing hawking. Scratching, with suffocation, causing cough. tickling causing cough, tickling in, the eructations. Burnt feeling in, burning in palate. Dry. Swollen feeling in left tonsil. Submaxillary glands swelled.

Stomach.-- Bloated, oppressed. Crampy stitch, cutting or contracting pain in pit.

Appetite: Great hunger, without appetite. Easily satiated. Disgust for pork. Great thirst, with dryness and burning in mouth, for beer after the chill.

Eructations: Tasting like rotten eggs, rancid, with headache. Waterbrash, after drinking water, on lying down, with colic. Better, Eating roasted thighs.

Nausea: Constant. Vomits sweet mucus, or sour, which sets teeth on edge.

Abdomen.-- Stitches in hypochondria and sides of, motion and lying on r. wide. Swollen feeling below short ribs (sul.). Bloated. gurgling, griping, cutting or twisting in. Twitching or sticking in inguinal region. Worse: Eating frozen things, driving. Better: Stool.

Rectum.-- Burning in. Chafed feeling.

Anus.-- Burning nodes at. Itching. Hemorrhoids worse during stormy weather.

Stool.-- Of a dark brown, very foul smelling fluid. Shooting out, preceded by colic. green, bilious, mixed with mucus. Involuntary, with much flatus, Soft, but difficulty. Mushy.

Urinary Organs.-- Urination: Prostatic discharge before, burning in tip of penis at start of, burning with cutting during, dribbling after. Inward stitches in urethra. Red sediment in, fatty pellicle on urine.

Sexual Organs.-- Male: Relaxed. Impotence, with aversion to coition. Tightness and drawing in. Taste swelled and heavy, with ulcer on glans. Drawing in testes and small of back. Spermatic cords as if full of blood. Painful suppurating vesicles on scrotum.

Respiratory Organs.-- Cough: Paroxysmal, hacking, excited by suffocation and crawling in larynx, or talking, quiet, with weakness or heaviness in chest, with dizziness, with vomiting acid mucus, with soreness under sternum, in morning on rising and evening on lying down (Phos.). Expectoration, Blood - streaked, of saliva, of green mucus, difficulty, sticking firmly. Hoarseness. Short of breath in fresh air, with whistling in chest. Suffocation in larynx when sitting bent backward, gentle exercise, riding or lying down, sitting.

Chest.-- Pains, cutting, as with knives, as if tearing loose, pressing in small spots, ulcerative under sternum, excoriating, boring. Oppression as of a load, on inclining head forward when stooping. Worse: Coughing. Better: Holding arms away from chest.

Back.-- Neck: Glands swelled, on touch bruised pain extends to head. Tearing, boring or stiffness in nape. Drawing extending to shoulders. Tensive pain as from lying uncomfortably. Pustules on.

Back: Boil - like indurations in axillae. Sticking extending towards chest on coughing. Pains: Boring, or as if broken in vertebrae, bruised, cutting, stitches, pressure in. tightness in ischii, extending to knees. Weakness. Worse, Straightening out, motion.

Extremities.-- Stretching. Weakness, as if joints would not hold together. Tearing, wandering pains. Trembling of hands and feet. Upper: Asleep feeling in left arm and fingers. Crawling in fingers. Spasmodic pain in bones of left arm. Better: Motion.

Lower Extremities.-- One leg feels too weak to endure pressure of other when lying. Bruised pains in legs and soles, as after too much walking, with restlessness in them. Stitching as of a strained sinew in ankles. Inclination to turn left foot inward when walking. Gouty pains in left foot. Cramps in single toes when stretching them out. Itching feet and soles. Worse: Rest.

Generalities.-- Filthy smell of body. Offensive discharges. Pale. exhausted and thin, his clothing is too large for him. Malaise, easily tired out, riding exhausts him. the sun shining upon her seems to press her down. Great bodily heaviness. Affected by stormy weather. Hot tremblings over body. Worse: Riding. Morning and evening. Better: Lying down: in morning: in fresh air, wrapping up.

Skin.-- Yellow, dirty, and greasy. Roughness of knuckles. Small warts, like pinheads on fingers. Pimples with black points in center (Kali - bi). Eruption: Miliary, vesicular, pustular, itch - like, unhealthy. Itching, after scratching vesicles arise, when touched.

Sleep.-- Very sleepy in daytime. Gnashes teeth, which wakes her. Unrefreshing. Dreams of business, anxious.

Fever.-- Chilliness, in the evening, with hot flashes, debility and sleepiness. Creeping chills. Feet cold all night. Heat: Sudden, general, with trickling, sweat over face. As if about to lose sense. With thirst, dryness and burning in mouth, burning in head and face, better fluent coryza. thirst during chill and heat. Sweat: profuse, when walking with consequent debility and taking cold easily. Offensive. On perineum. On palms at night. During night, then feels better.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Carb-v., chin., Graph., Kali - bi., sul.

Followed by Sep.

Complementary: Sep., Sul., tab.