
Mehr Information und bestellen bei Remedia Homöopathie
Oversensitiveness of all parts. Haemorrhages from nose, mouth, intestines, genital and urinary organs. Pain; raw, sore, burning in every part of the body, internally and externally; with extreme weakness. Disgust for everything; drink, food, tabacco. Drinking even small quantities of water increases pain in the bladder. Constant urging to urinate, passing but a few drops at the time, which is mixed with blood (sudden desire to urinate and intense itching in urethra, Petros.). Intolerable urging, before, during and after urination; violent pains in bladder. Burning, cutting pains in urethra during micturition; violent tenesmus and strangury. Stool: passage of white or pale, red, tough mucus, like scrapings from the intestines, with streaks of blood (Carb. an., Colch.). Bloody, nocturnal emission (Led., Mer., Petr.). Sexual desire: increased both sexes; preventing sleep; violent priapism, with excessive pain (Pic. ac.). Tenacious mucus in the air passages (Bov., Kali bi.); compare Cantharis if vesical symptoms correspond. Skin: vesicular erysipelas; vesicles all over body which are sore and suppurating. Erythema from exposure to sun's rays (sunburn). The burning pain and intolerable urging to urinate, is the red strand of Cantharis in all inflammatory affections.